Deming's 14 Point Philosophy of Quality Management
The need for a working understanding of basic quality
management system statistical principles is at the heart of Deming's teaching.
While accepting the ASQ's Shewhart Medal in 1955, he commented that
"Statistical theory has changed practice in almost everything. Statistical
techniques, in their ability to aid the discovery of causes, are creating a
science of management and a science of administration." His quality
process message, directed primarily at management, is stated succinctly in his
famous 14 Points for Management:
1) Create constancy of purpose for improvement of product
and service. Inspire the workers to stay competitive in the
market and remind about the importance of stability in jobs and new
opportunities which may come up in later stages, as inducing a sense of purpose
in producing quality products will work as the inspiration to work efficiently.
2) Adopt the
new philosophy. The customer demands and taste change very fast
and the competition in the market grow at a rapid rate today, and we have to
accept new philosophies according to the market trends and technology
3) Cease dependence
on mass inspection. Instead of inspecting the product for quality
after production, infuse quality at the beginning itself with production quality control,
as this will ensure no raw materials are wasted for the sake of quality.
4) End the
practice of awarding business on price tag alone. Instead,
minimize total cost - move towards a single supplier for any item, on trust.
5) Constantly and forever improve the
system of production and service. Enterprise systems and services
must keep growing indefinitely in order to catch up with the competitive
6) Institute modern
methods of training on the job. A trained worker has more
productivity and quality than an untrained one, so giving training sessions
will drastically improve the quality of the person and directly it helps in
better product quality performance.
7) Institute modern
methods of supervision. A company can display stunning growth if
potential leaders are identified and encouraged.
8) Drive out
fear. Creating a fearful impression in the employees does not
give more quality and productivity to work. If a person is not working
willingly with satisfaction then he can never do a work perfectly even if he
has the intention to be perfect in conscious mind, so driving out fear is
9) Break down barriers between staff areas. The
workers in design, sales, and production must work together to face problems
and resolve them, which takes the company to better quality assurance management and
also other profit with better planning.
Eliminate numerical goals for the work force.
Slogans or exhortations call for more quantity in production than focusing on quality control in manufacturing, which will severely damage the quality management
process. Employees should have a calm and quiet quality atmosphere in the
11) Eliminate work standards and
numerical quotas. This
focuses on quantity rather than quality of product.
12) Remove barriers
that hinder the hourly worker. Supervisor responsibility must be
focused on quality, not numbers. Abolish annual or merit rating and MBO
13) Institute a
vigorous program of education and training. A person must grow
after joining a company, and letting them learn new technology and techniques
will increase employee longevity.
14) Create a
situation in top management that will push every day on the above points. Just
like products and services, every employee in a company must work to accomplish
the transformation.
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